Women and MidLife…

5 Less Typical but More Relatable Ways to Recognize You’re at MidLife

Four women smiling at camera.

The term “midlife” has a tendency to stir up a lot of emotion (insert the fear of the stereotypical midlife crisis here) and even a little confusion. For starters, it’s difficult to determine what exactly constitutes the starting point of the midlife transition. It is clear that middle age is the phase of life sandwiched between early adulthood (22-34 years) and late adulthood (65 years and beyond).

Generally speaking, many people consider the years between 40 and 60 as the midlife stage. However, technically speaking, “early middle age” begins at 35 (who knew). Safe to say you have some leeway in choosing what represents the beginning of your midlife experience.

Aside from a specific age designating the beginning of the midlife transition, there are many other markers to represent the onset of this stage of life. The “go to” midlife association for many women is menopause. While it is true menopause occurs during the midlife years, there’s also so much more happening during that time.

Midlife Is A Shared Experience

Indulge me, if you will as we explore some midlife twists and turns that may connect us all in this shared experience. Whether you’re in the midst of this journey, approaching the horizon, or simply curious about what’s ahead, this blog post may have something for you.

The following list of 5 MidLife indicators may be less typical but certainly are more interesting ways to think about how to recognize your MidLife transition (especially if you want to have a little more fun during this phase of life).

You know you’re at MidLife when …

woman reading life coach, lisa allen's book while sitting next to other women reading

1. You join a book club and you actually read the book.

In your wild and carefree youth, the idea of committing to a book club probably wasn’t even on your radar. By the time you are in your mid to late 30s, you start to see the benefit of having a specific time to connect with friends around a shared interest. However, at this stage you might see “book club” as an opportunity to discuss what’s new in your life rather than the plot of the book.

Fast forward into your 40s and 50s and you now want to commit to reading the book. Since you carved out time to do so, you show up prepared to discuss everything about the book. Participating in a book club at midlife signifies the never-ending pursuit of knowledge, connection, and personal enrichment.

Who knew joining a book club and actually reading the book could be a sign you've crossed over into midlife territory? You might be surprised to discover discussing literature has become a highlight of your social calendar? But hey, it's all part of the wonderful journey through the middle chapters of life (pun intended)!

2. When you start to regularly watch Hallmark movies.

​​Before the midlife realization dawns upon us, our movie preferences can be quite different. In our younger years, we were all about the action-packed blockbusters, the mind-bending thrillers, and the edgy comedies that pushed the boundaries. And, of course the occasional rom-com was reserved for date night.

As the years go by, we find ourselves drawn to those seemingly predictable and syrupy-sweet Hallmark movies our mothers used to adore. You no longer roll your eyes at the sappy, feel-good stories and start to enjoy the sentimental and wholesome themes they portray. Maybe it's the passage of time or perhaps it's the recognition that life is really about finding joy in everyday moments, understanding the value of connection, and cherishing the moments that touch our hearts (even if it comes with a hint of predictability).

You may find yourself standing on the edge of this new movie-watching chapter so don’t be surprised if you feel pulled toward the world of Hallmark charm. Grab your hot chocolate, tissues and sense of humor because life is about to get a whole lot cozier. And just remember, no judgment if you shed a tear or two during those heartwarming moments – it's all part of the midlife movie experience!

two women enjoying lattes and talking

3. You would rather meet for coffee than drinks.

Remember the days when you regularly filled your calendar with plans to socialize after work with friends and colleagues. As your free time started to shrink and you couldn’t bounce out of bed as easily the morning after, you began the transition to coffee chats (make mine a cup of tea, please).

Getting together with a good friend in an environment where you can hear each other and remember the conversation the following day started to feel important. You begin to realize coffee is a cup of comfort as you share some laughs and heartfelt conversations with friends who understand the highs and lows of the midlife journey.

It is so much more than caffeine (but it sure does help to tackle that to-do list with some new found energy) — it’s a much needed time out from a very busy world. And, let’s not overlook the insight we can gain as we prioritize time for meaningful self-reflection and connection. Who would have guessed the midlife happy hour would occur from 8 to 10 am? Please, raise your favorite mug to the simple pleasures in life!

4. You can’t remember your last date night but can’t wait for the next girls’ trip!

As we move through midlife, we find ourselves shifting priorities toward what truly brings us joy and fulfillment. And time with your spouse or partner, isn’t immune to this adjustment. While date night with a spouse or partner continues to be a crucial element of sustaining a healthy relationship, the desire to spend quality time getting away with friends can feel almost irresistible.

You have to admit there’s something magical about a girls’ trip during midlife. Picture an opportunity to let loose, laugh uncontrollably, and soak up the joy of friendship. It’s more than a weekend getaway; it’s the refreshing break your soul craves. By the end of the trip, you’ll have created enough inside jokes and memories, to fill another carry on bag (even if you can’t remember the details later).

While our spouses and partners can be essential anchors in our lives, friends provide a different type of stability, through a unique kind of support, perspective, and understanding. As we evolve, it feels natural for friendships to take a front seat at times as we nurture our lives with the laughter and shared experiences of a girls’ trip. So, let’s celebrate the friends who bring pure joy to midlife and book that next trip ASAP!

Lisa Allen's life coaching book next to candle near a window

5. You start to think an empty nest sounds like exactly what you need.

When our children are babies, we can’t imagine living a day apart (after they start sleeping through the night, of course). By the time they are teenagers, we start to fantasize about what to do with our free time when they go to summer camp. When the transition out of the house begins, you may feel the energy building as you see an opening for yourself.

The prospect of an empty nest represents a chance to rediscover ourselves beyond the roles of mom and caregiver. With less need to care for others, it allows time to focus on our personal growth, prioritize self-care, and enjoy the freedom that comes with this stage of life. This phase of midlife is an invitation to honor your own needs and desires.

As a mother, we live in anticipation of our children reaching adulthood so when it arrives, give yourself permission to embrace this midlife transition with open arms. With the kids on their own journeys, it’s the ideal time to enjoy the luxury of some guilt-free quality “me time.” Now that the nest is roomier, imagine having time for your long-lost hobby, dancing to your own tunes, or enjoying the peacefulness of silence. It’s time to spread your midlife wings!

Summary: 5 Less Typical but More Relatable Ways to Recognize You’re at MidLife

Four women walking on the beach laughing and smiling

And, there you have it, 5 Less Typical but More Relatable to Ways to Recognize You’re at Midlife! If any of those spoke to you, please know you aren’t alone! If any of those made you smile or better yet, laugh, please know that is the kind of mindset strength you need for the midlife journey.

As you can see, you have some say in when you think you have crossed into midlife territory. Be on the look out for anything that represents the following:

  • Desire for intellectual growth

  • Longing for sentimental, heartwarming moments

  • Seeking simple pleasures and meaningful connections

  • Prioritizing fun, friendship and freedom

  • Space for self-discovery and self-care

While the passing years may bring physical changes, it’s the subtle shifts in our hearts, minds, and souls that truly define what midlife is all about!

As we end, please remember to Make Your MidLife Matter!


Break the MidLife Mold